Rye's Up! is all about our love of the community. We love living in Rye. We love our natural environment. We love the local traders. We love the small town charm. We are passionate about keeping the beauty of Rye and even improving on our lovely town where we can.
'What A Load Of Rubbish' is a demonstration that takes all of that into account. We don't want rubbish flying around our streets and we certainly are not going to be creating it. Come down and see an estimate of just how many garbage bags just one fast food giant creates in a day. All of our bags are strong and secure and filled with recycling and leaf litter. All of the contents of our bags will remain within these bags. All of the contents of our bags will be disposed of responsibly and sensibly. All of our garbage bags will be supervised by concerned residents who DO NOT want rubbish blowing around on our streets and on our beaches at any time, for any reason.
This is a responsible event designed to inform the public of the proposed developments within our town. We invite you to wander by and see for yourself, not only a representation of the amount of rubbish one fast food giant can produce in a day, but also the amazing environment we live in.
Visit the beach, have a shop, sit down for a rest at one of the local cafes - enjoy yourself, this is Rye after all.
Good luck with this event - I'm sure it will prove to be a massive amount.
So proud of all your work!
Kate & boys :)
I agree with the first anonomous comment. It is commonly known that teenagers who are working are more responsible members of our society. Teenagers who have handouts are the ones who end up being the ones with so much time on their hands and no respect for people, property or money that it is more likely that it would be your children who would be rubbishing Rye.
I can't wait for Maccas to come to town. It will be great to grab a burger before I go fishing. Theres nothing better than a burger, beer and fishin.
I would like to see McDonalds, Hungry Jacks, Red Rooster and KFC all go into Rye as this would ensure that they would not come into our suburbs as Blairgowrie, Sorrento and Portsea are actually the upper class suburbs on the peninsular unlike Rye and Rosebud.
Xavier from Portsea
I like the idea of Rye getting all the good restaurants because Portsea doesn't want them. Isn't it a shame that we have to have tourists who need to eat. They are just a nuisance. What would Rye be without their tourists and also what would Rye be without their own local ferril behaviour. Thank god the poor can't get to Portsea. Stay in Rye and good luck with the continual rubbishing of it.
I have just read the Local Newspaper and am very pleased that these two delightful eating houses are going to Rye and not Dromana as we are better than you.
I think it is important to be able to go out occassionally. This is very difficult for people who are on small incomes. I think it only fair that the poor has someplace they can go out too. I think it is very mean of the committee to say what and where we can eat.
I agree with what you are doing but I am a little suspiscious of many comments being deleted. I would hope that the committee is being fair and letting people comment otherwise I would be very dissapointed. Keep up the good work.
Annabelle, please see our comment policy that was created due to a large influx of offensive or untrue comments (i.e. people claiming to talk on behalf of an organisation when they were not in fact associated with it e.g. Rye's Up! committee). These deleted comments all contained the above mentioned material, we are quite open to healthy, legal and respectful debate but will not allow ANY offensive material on this site. Rest assured we will not censor the arguments, just ensure they are put forward with a modicum of decency.
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