Rye's Up Against the Fast Food Giants!
Well, things are progressing along well with the campaign to stop the fast food giants appearing as our neighbours. We have already received over 350 letters of objections (!!) from an incredibly wide range of the community. Everyone from young children, families and retirees are passionate about this issue.The council is and will probably continue to respond to these letters. They state in their response that no planning application for a fast food restaurant has been received at council. We are aware of this fact and urge everyone to continue writing your letters. The goal is to have our objection heard (with an overwhelming roar) even before any plans are submitted. Ideally this matter will be finalised before the council does receive any plans. So keep writing. A letter a week would be fabulous!!

You will find template letters in the side bar on the left. Continue to spread the word, our campaign is only beginning and EVERYONE in our town (those who live here and those that visit) deserve to have their opinions heard. Watch out for many more things to come.
A campaign name will be decided by the end of the week, there will be another town meeting and many more events in the near future. Remember, we will be placing call outs for assistance right here on the blog and adding information regularly, so add it to your Google Reader!

Finally, keep up the letters to the newspapers - all of them. It is the best way to ensure that we continue to get our story out there, we don't have the advertising budget of McDonalds or Hungry Jacks (in fact we don't have an advertising budget at all) but we do have a town full of passionate people who can express our love for Rye in so many ways. Keep it up!
Thank you to everyone for getting involved, and thank you for your patience as we get things up and running.
Katrina Humphrey and Committee
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