Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rye Tree Planting - Sept 5th 2009

Everyone knows that big businesses have an enormous effect on our environment, and fast food giants are no different. In fact it has been estimated that your average cheeseburger produces 3.6-6.1 kg of CO2-equivalent. That's an awful lot. Check out this website for some more details.

Rye's Up! has never wanted to be a group of just 'nay sayers', in fact our entire purpose is to improve our wonderful town, and to do that we need your help.

We are asking everyone to come down to the Whitecliffs foreshore, on Saturday 5th September between 11am and 2pm to adopt and plant a tree.

The shire has generously offered to donate as many trees as we require, so it would be incredibly helpful if we could get a rough idea of the number of people willing to get their hands dirty for an important cause and a bit of fun. Just a quick email back to me ( would be great. Let's not only help balance some of these enormous carbon footprints, but help our town out at the same time. I ask you, what could be better?

Rye's Up! Against Fast Food Giants

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ill health keeps me away, but I wish you all the best for a wonderful day!