McDonalds uses a computer programme to assess the population, demographics etc of a town. Once that town hits there targets, McDonalds arrives. After Maccas appears, all the other stores (Hungry Jacks, KFC etc etc) realise it is a prime market and start to cluster near by. Hungry Jacks is already at our door. Do we want to turn into that town? I think NOT!
We need to start the fight now and be prepared for anything that may arise. I can not do it alone (obviously) and I know so many people are keen to stop this, so we need some organisation.
First, we need to rally the troops. If you are receiving this email and don't want to get any more just let me know. If you know of anyone else that may want to help, or at least receive the information, just forward this message on, and send me the email address. We need as many people as possible.
Below are some suggested arguments to pursue and research.
* Health Issues
* Environmental Issues
* Traffic Problems
* Effect on Traders
* Change to the 'feel' of the town
* Historical significance of houses on proposed site
* Rebut the argument that McDonalds = employment
* Loss of amenity - McDonalds will affect our quiet enjoyment of our environment
* Decrease in house prices in surrounding areas
I propose a meeting at 7.30pm on Thursday 23rd April.
Venue: Rye Civic Centre, Cnr Napier and Nelson Streets.
Venue: Rye Civic Centre, Cnr Napier and Nelson Streets.
This will give everyone time to contact as many people as possible, conduct some research, think about a logical approach and get positive and passionate about saving our town. We need to start an organised approach of letter writing, phone calls, research and gathering community support. Please invite everyone you know.
There are a lot of issues brewing around Rye at the moment. Discussions of Aldi, changes to the two lane traffic past the shops, the general streetscape of the town etc., but I think that stopping McDonalds needs to be a stand alone issue - at least to begin with. Therefore I would ask that anyone attending the meeting be willing to talk about stopping the fast food infestation, and leaving all the other, all be it very important, issues for another time.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. Please feel free to contact me, especially if there is anyone willing to help me organise the meeting.
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