Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Town Meeting Tomorrow Night

Our town meeting is coming up tomorrow at the Rye Civic Hall, 12 Napier Street in Rye, the corner of Napier and Nelson street in Rye at 7:30pm. Speakers on the night include: Andrew Blease from Govita Health Food store, Christos from Christos', Pauline Powell from the Rye Historical Society, Charles Davidson from Peninsula Hot Springs and a statement from our local state member of parliament Martin Dixon.

See you there.


Art - My life.. said...

Hi Katrina - can you post something here to show people in support of this ban, who they can address letters to? Great meeting tonight and so wonderful to see many people who love this town and don't want to see a McDonalds here!

Rye's Up! said...

There will be a heap of information from the meeting posted here shortly. Minutes, petition, the McLetter templates, contact addresses etc etc etc. We will keep you posted. Thank you so much for coming along, I think it was a success.